Mirror of Time of Intertwining Worlds
The Rainbow Ocean Of The Frequency Waves Of The Infinite
Magical Interdimensional Creatures of Floating Worlds in the Beauty of Cosmos
The Magical Golden Worlds of the Flying Dinosaurs of the Infinite Mirror Worlds
The Interdimensional Colorful Worlds of the Eternal Beauty of Time
The Infinite Lives of the Eternal Creatures of the Vivid Colorful World
Silent Music of the Cosmos
Magical Rivers of Fiery Lava Flowing into Infinite Golden Worlds
Gazing Stars from The Edge of the Portal
Embryo of the Timeless Universe Number Two (#2)
Embryo of the Timeless Universe Number Three (#3)
Embryo of the Timeless Universe Number One (#1)
The Magical Rainbow Oceans of the Multiple Eleven Dimensional Bubble Universes
The Unicorn Waves of Rainbow Transfiguration
The Vibrating Musical Strings of The Vividly Colored Oceanic Worlds
The Infinite Portal of the Blue Ocean Cosmic Time Intertwinement, 2014, 16x16in
Mirror of Time of Intertwining Worlds, 2017, 24x24in
Invisible Land of Past Present and Future, 2017, 30x30in
Time Falls into Different Places and Creatures, 2017, 30x30 in
The Mythical Island of Leaping Time, 2018, 30x30in
The Rainbow Serpent's Magical Gully of Fallen Life Resurrection, 2014, 20x24in
Wings of the Infinite Magical Nebula, 2017, 24x30in