Violin on Canvas Soundpaintings Painted Violins Overpaintings Electronic Paintings sculpture Imaginary architecture
Marine / Aquatic
Animals / Creatures
Cosmos / the Beauty of Science
Early Earth / Deep Time
Paintings are grouped by theme according to both intentional abstract representation and 'gestalt' art - a term describing the specific phenomena wherby the arrangement of shapes lines and colors take on the appearance of a discernable object - the extraordinary and uncanny ability of human perception to interpret a painting or anything at all - that, while plainly abstract, conjures up dramatic figurative images in the onlookers mind.
Peruse Aelita Andre's galleries by year or theme to explore Aelita's universe - a universe of her own creation. Aelita fuses intentional and natural outcomes of spontaneous subconscious interplay with art materials to create her unique artworks . Play the game of object detection. What can you discover in each painting?